van Osch & Co
Building and Design Inc.

From our shop we can provide both modern and traditional timber frames, decorative accents, timber trusses, staircases as well as restorative work. Timber frames add strength, beauty and character unavailable in other forms of construction.
Timber framing and "post-and-beam" construction are two methods of building with heavy timber. Traditional timber framing involves skillfully fitting and joining heavy timbers together. Using centuries old
techniques such as the mortise and tenon, timbers are locked together and secured with heavy white oak pegs in lieu of nails or other metal fasteners.

Timber Frame by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

Timber Frame by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

Timber Frame by van Osch & Co.

Timber Frame, by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

Timber Frame by van Osch & Co.

Timber Frame by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

Timber Frame by van Osch & Co.

Timber Frame by van Osch & Co.

Timber Frame

Timber Frame Lighting

Timber Frame by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.

by van Osch & Co.